Juneau Office: (907) 780-4004

Our Services

Grant Writing

Our team’s persuasive writing, technical expertise, and research skills have helped our clients identify and secure millions of dollars in highly competitive grants. Whether the targeted opportunity is through a federal, state, or private source, our team can assemble compelling and compliant applications for your projects. Our services – outlined below – span every stage of the grant planning, writing, and administration process.

Strategic Funding Plans. Our team consistently tracks release dates for new and existing grants, analyzing factors like relative competitiveness, set-asides, and project readiness to determine which opportunities will give you the highest chance of success. Leveraging grants against one another (especially to secure matching funds) is another way we can help align the puzzle pieces to your greatest advantage. We want to develop a strategic plan personalized to fund your projects, regardless of size or type.

Grant Writing. Some grant applications are relatively simple, while others require detailed budget spreadsheets, conceptual design plans, and high-level support studies. Whether you need assistance with specific application components or you are looking for someone to draft, assemble, and submit the complete package, we can provide the desired level of support.

Grant Administration. Post-award reporting requirements vary depending on the funding agency, the specific program, and the terms outlined in the grant agreement. Our team can work with you to navigate these requirements and deadlines to ensure compliance for the project lifecycle and full funding participation by the grantor.

Funding Results

proHNS has helped clients secure millions of dollars in competitive grants for their priority projects. Recent wins include:

  • $5 million from the NOAA Restoring Tribal Priority Fish Passage through Barrier Removal for the Organized Village of Kasaan.
  • $3.4 million from the USDOT Maritime Administration Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIPD) for the Metlakatla Indian Community.
  • $881,000 from the Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) Hunter Access Program for the City and Borough of Juneau.
  • $200,000 from the USDOT Safe Streets for All Program for the Haines Borough.
  • $200,000 from the USDOT Safe Streets for All Program for the Metlakatla Indian Community.


Grant Writing Team

The proHNS Grant Writing Team has access to more than 20 engineers, administrators, and other support staff that can assist with the development of conceptual plans, schedules, and cost estimates for grant applications. Don’t hesitate to reach out to discuss how we can help achieve your goals. Email our Creative Director and Grant Manager Karen Garcia at karen@proHNS.com or give us a call at (907) 780-4004.

An old fish passage culvert with overgrown plants and a creek running through it.
Meet Our Grant Writing Team
Vanessa Gallego
Vanessa Gallego

Proposal/ Grant Writer

Karen Garcia
Karen Garcia

Creative Director