Juneau Office: (907) 780-4004
Haines Flood Repairs

Haines Flood Repairs

proHNS is currently designing the reconstruction of several Haines Borough roadways and culverts that were severely damaged during a December 2020 storm event. Our scope of engineering services for this work includes providing surveying, civil-site, utility design,...
US 20 Upper Sunken Grade Slide

US 20 Upper Sunken Grade Slide

The US 20 Upper Sunken Grade Slide Repair is a WFLHD-administered project in the Willamette National Forest to fix landslide damage to a highly utilized corridor of US 20 between Corvallis and Bend, OR. This project entailed building an approximately 500 ft long...
Ozark NSR Flood Repairs

Ozark NSR Flood Repairs

This WFLHD project consists of a series of road, trail, and bridge projects within Ozark National Scenic Riverways to repair damage from the devastating 2017 flood that destroyed many features and facilities along the Current and Jacks Fork rivers. Work includes...
Calhoun Avenue

Calhoun Avenue

Calhoun Avenue is a historic road in Alaska’s capital city that connects downtown Juneau to the state’s Governor’s Mansion and continues to recreational parks and residential neighborhoods. proHNS planned this road reconstruction project into two phases, spread out...
Nez Perce-Clearwater Repairs

Nez Perce-Clearwater Repairs

Under our ID/IQ contract with Western Federal Lands, proHNS quickly mobilized a Construction Inspector II (CI-II) to inspect several road repair projects in Idaho’s Nez Perce and Clearwater National Forests. The repairs primarily rebuilt and resurfaced roadways...
Douglas 4th Street

Douglas 4th Street

proHNS deftly designed this complicated utility and drainage  improvement project, which will replace multiple underground water transmission and distribution pipe networks with new 10” and 14” HDPE pipe, water services, and hydrants. Work will also include...
Small Tracts/Mud Bay/Third Ave

Small Tracts/Mud Bay/Third Ave

proHNS designed this Haines Borough project that replaced 2,891 feet of asbestos and ductile iron water line with HDPE pipe. In addition to installing a new water main, sewer services, water services, hydrants, and valves, the project also replaced the road base and...
Savikko Road

Savikko Road

proHNS designed and inspected this CBJ project that replaced the failing water line, reconstructed the road base and pavement, and upgraded drainage and sewer utilities. Lead Design Engineer Lucas Chambers conducted numerous site visits and an on-site scoping meeting...
Front Street Water Line

Front Street Water Line

This project, funded by an Alaska Department of Environmental Conservation Drinking Water Fund loan, replaced 420 linear feet of existing 4-inch diameter asbestos cement (AC) water line with HDPE pipe. Our subcontractor North 57 Land Surveying provided survey while we...
Lee Street Pump Station

Lee Street Pump Station

As the prime consultant, proHNS is providing civil engineering design for this CBJ project that will upgrade the Lee Street pump station to maintain operating pressure and provide fire flow to a nearby subdivision. While our subcontractor Haight & Associates...
King Salmon Airport

King Salmon Airport

This FAA-funded project will remove the main runway’s existing pavement to full depth and replace it with four inches of hot mix asphalt on a six-inch stabilized foamed asphalt base. With an office engineer and two grade/paving inspectors working on this project, the...
Front/Mill/Stedman Streets

Front/Mill/Stedman Streets

For this multi-street project, our Materials Testing Technician tested aggregates, concrete, and asphalt paving both in the field and in the DOT&PF laboratory. They also performed construction inspection duties, filling out daily reports and coordinating directly...